Preview - Intro To Netlogo Programming For Educators

What are Agents

The previous pages introduced you to turtles and patches and some of the things they can do. Turtles and patches are two of the types of agents in NetLogo. Agents are beings (in this case computational beings) that can follow instructions. The other two types of agents in NetLogo are links and the observer. We won't discuss links in this lesson. You can think of the observer as seeing things from your perspective. When you were typing commands into the command center, you were asking the observer to ask other agents to do things. Read the short section in the Programming Guide on agents to fill in a few pieces of information we haven't covered. You will also start getting familiarized with the Programming Guide, which will be very useful moving forward.


If you have time and want to, try creating a new NetLogo program using what you've learned. It doesn't have to be modeling anything necessarily, it could just be to make a cool visual effect. In fact, there is a whole branch of art that uses processes and algorithms to create artwork.

Next lesson we will start making models of natural phenomena. Whether you write a new program or not, please answer the last few questions below.



Please answer the questions below.

If you wrote a new program using what you learned, copy and paste your code below and describe in a couple sentences what you did. If not, just say why you didn't (e.g. busy, didn't think it would be valuable etc.)

Approximately how long did you spend on this entire lesson? How many sessions did you do it in?

Write a couple of sentences describing your experience with this lesson. What did you like and what do you think could be improved? 


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.